The Memory Closet Book Review

The Memory Closet by Ninie HammonI recently had the pleasure of getting to read The Memory Closet by Ninie Hammon. I wanted to start off with saying Ninie is an incredibly talented author. I can only hope to someday be half the writer she is.

Anne Mitchell has experienced something terrible. Something so traumatic that her mind has erased all memories from before she was eleven. The first thing she remembers is being hands down in the dirt and she doesn’t know how she got there. Suffering from Amnesia, Anne embarks on a battle with the “Boogie Man” – unknowing how dangerous that may be. Is she willing to risk her sanity to dig up a past so awful that her mind erased all memory of it? Is it time to open the memory closet and reveal the “Boogie Man”?

The Memory Closet is a book that will keep you wondering what happened and each time you think you know the answer, Ninie throws another thing at you that makes you doubt your conclusion. Even when it got towards the end and I thought FOR SURE I was right, I was wrong again and Ninie threw me through another loop.

This book not only kept me on the edge of my seat white knuckling the armrests the entire time I was reading, it also drew emotions. I found myself rooting for Anne the entire time, and pitying her as she got closer to her answers. There were plenty of times where I stiffled a laugh (and a few I burst out laughing from the comfort of the charting room at work at three in the morning – don’t get me started on how embarrassing THAT was.) and even times where my heart broke for the characters.

Ninie is a captivating writer that leaves you wanting more at the end of the chapter. I will certainly be reading more from this author.

Thank you again, Ninie! I’m honored to have had the chance to not only speak with you, but to also read your work.

Buy The Memory Closet here:

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Yes, There Will be a Third Book

I’ve had a couple people ask me what my plan after Shadows is. I’m happy to announce that yes, I will be writing a third book.

I have a few ideas bouncing around inside my head, some that kept me awake all night thinking, will that one work? How can I make that work? Oh, I like this one! I can write this like that…

I keep a pen and a small notebook a friend bought for me when he visited London a few years back next to my bed. When I have ideas suddenly jump at me, I write them down so they’re no longer in my head and I don’t have to worry about forgetting them. If I’m in a car, I usually write on my hand and gravitate up my arm when I run out of room (though thanks to my mom giving me a tape recorder, I no longer have to do this). But last night, for some reason, even though I wrote down the ideas, something kept me awake.

The itch to write.

I finally fell asleep, eventually, knowing if I started writing at two in the morning, I’d never get to sleep and I had to be awake at seven to be ready for my statistics final at nine.

When I get home, I’ll be doing load of homework and groceries, but my reward for completing it all may just be to get started on this next book a little early.

But before the next book comes out, I have to share Shadows with you! I can’t wait! June 7, 2014

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